**London, October 20, 2023** — We are thrilled to unveil TEMBO TECHNIQUES, an innovative training and development service committed to equipping event professionals with the essential skills and knowledge required to thrive in the fields of conference production and event marketing.
TEMBO has partnered with Exhibition News to provide a positive impact on the content and marketing of EN‘s portfolio of events, including the EN Indy’s and EN Marketing Awards & Conference.
Are you ready for a fantastic day of cricket while raising money for a fantastic charity?
TEMBO has partnered with UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, to provide marketing support for Global Exhibition Day 2023.
London-based TEMBO, the agency with a fresh approach to marketing, content production and event management, announced the launch of a brand-new consultancy service, TEMBO REFRESH, today. TEMBO REFRESH will help event organisers transform their businesses by connecting them with the most knowledgeable Director and C-level experienced consultants from events and publishing backgrounds.
TEMBO, the agency with fresh approach to marketing, content production and event management, is excited to announce their partnership with Waves Connects, an event-specific copywriting service. The two companies have launched TEMBO CONTENT PLUS – a service which will deliver highly engaging speaker content.
TEMBO ACADEMY is holding an introduction event at International Confex for graduates with related degrees (e.g. Marketing, Event Management, English Literature) who are tenacious problem-solvers, with an appreciation for design and exceptional attention to detail.
The Events Cast #20 has Kate Disley, the CEO of TEMBO, discuss a four-step strategy to start planning marketing for your event.