12 tips for creating and nurturing a community
Creating and nurturing a community has become a critical part of event strategy. But knowing where to start can be tricky.
Remember that one size does not fit all. Put your audience front and centre when developing an always-on content strategy. Our TEMBO REFRESH team shares 12 tips for creating and nurturing an audience:
1. Frequency
How often does your audience consume content related to your subject matter in their daily lives? This gives a good indicator of the potential ambition of your brand.
2. Competitors’ content
Where else do they find the content?
Do your research and understand what is being published. How can you compete or differ?
3. Working or leisure time?
What mode are they in when they are seeking or consuming the content?
Are they working, or is it their leisure time? This will help determine the timings you choose to publish your content and the platforms and tech you need.
4. Determine the format
What type and mix of formats will engage the audience?
Text, images, video, infographics? Consider assembling thought leaders and producing audio content. Or if an interactive forum would work better, a series of webinars or lives on social.
5. Use insights
Determine the content calendar using insight from your event. Add to that seasonality, polls and quantitative/qualitative research, conduct social listening, and track search trends. Take your learnings and feed them into your plan.
6. Adapt to a global audience
Remember - if you are serving a global audience, the use of platforms varies. Use a tool like Global Web Index to help you understand the differences.
7. Use your relationships
Activate your existing commercial relationships to inject monetisation opportunities.
8. Consider your promotional methods
Develop a newsletter strategy that shares the content with your community either at scale or segmented.
9. Social media
How will you use social? Is it worth investigating creating closed groups?
10. Purpose of content
Critically, ensure all your content has a purpose – whether for commercial revenue lead generation, visitor registration data capture and so on
11. Metrics
Set up a metrics framework, measure, test and iterate. Review with curiosity how the community responds.
12. Budget & ROI
Use your metrics framework to prioritise content that has the most impact and then you can start to budget with a clear understanding of the ROI.
Even the smallest of budgets can have an impact if set up for success. TEMBO REFRESH can help you get started. Our consultancy service connects you with the leading event professionals with the most knowledge and skill in marketing, communications, content and business management.
Get in touch with us and visit our page to learn more.